If you have a weakened tooth that needs strengthening, a dental crown restoration might be something to speak to your dentist about. A tooth can be damaged from accidental injury and suffer a break, or it can be weakened from extensive decay, and following a root canal. Let’s take a closer look at crowns, what they are, and how they can help you:
— Crowns are custom-crafted to “cap” a damaged tooth by covering it to provide a natural-looking tooth.
— Crowns are permanently cemented into position and designed to cover the visible portion of the tooth or dental implant that lies above the gum line.
–Essentially, the crown becomes the tooth’s surface, effectively restoring the full function of the tooth.
–Crowns come in a variety of materials such as porcelain, other dental ceramic, metals, or porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. Your dentist will evaluate your needs and offer recommendations.
–Depending on the type of material used, a dental crown can reinforce and strengthen the tooth.
–Dental crowns are made in a lab, whether on-site or off-site. There, a dental technician will use impressions taken of your teeth to design your crown. Impressions allow your bite and jaw movements to be simulated, which makes for a customized tooth replacement that best suits your mouth.
You can strengthen and reinforce a damaged tooth with the help of a dental crown restoration. If you would like a dental evaluation with our dentists, Dr. Edmon R. Hutchison, please call 972-636-2417 at Royse City Dental Care in Royse City, Texas today!