Your teeth can weaken and age over time due to the natural processes of life. However, there are ways to improve your smile by straightening your teeth and gums and preventing oral accidents, tooth decay, and gum disease. Making sure to keep your mouth safe includes effective oral health habits and wearing proper safety equipment as necessary.
The longer your teeth are exposed to the elements, the greater the chance an oral accident can occur. Also, be sure to wear appropriate safety equipment if you are involved in any activities that could be deemed high-risk for your teeth and gums. Another way to protect your teeth is to avoid damaging them by opening products with your mouth or trying to bite down on substances that are too hard.
The natural wear food can have on your tooth enamel is well documented. Plaque buildup can use harmful acids to eat through tooth enamel and cause cavities. Brush and floss daily to prevent plaque buildup.
If you are involved with any harmful habits to your teeth, such as smoking or chewing tobacco, or using any non-prescription drugs, you greatly increase the risk of oral health failure. Stop any bad habits immediately and speak with your dentist to determine what you can do to keep your mouth safe.
Come speak with Royse City Dental Care to learn more about how to protect your teeth as you age. To schedule an oral exam with Dr. Edmon R. Hutchison and our team at our dentist office in Royse City, Texas, simply give us a call at 972-636-2417. Thanks for visiting with a smile!