minerals - Royse City Dental Care https://www.roysecitydentalcare.com Thu, 15 Feb 2018 21:58:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Replenish Your Smile with Healthy Foods to Eat https://www.roysecitydentalcare.com/replenish-your-smile-with-healthy-foods-to-eat/ Thu, 15 Feb 2018 21:58:04 +0000 https://www.roysecitydentalcare.com/?p=394 Are you aware of healthy foods you should be eating? Although we often think of unhealthy foods we should be avoiding including those high in sugar and carbs, we rarely talk about what products can be safe for our smiles. There are several products that actually have been shown to help protect against dental erosion [...]

The post Replenish Your Smile with Healthy Foods to Eat first appeared on Royse City Dental Care.

Are you aware of healthy foods you should be eating? Although we often think of unhealthy foods we should be avoiding including those high in sugar and carbs, we rarely talk about what products can be safe for our smiles. There are several products that actually have been shown to help protect against dental erosion and strengthen your tooth enamel. Furthermore, limit snacking throughout the day.

If you continually find yourself snacking throughout the day, you could be putting your mouth at risk of several oral health ailments. This is because the longer that debris and bacteria are in contact with your teeth and gums, the longer that damage can occur. To limit the damage that can happen, avoid eating food between meals.

Saliva is essential for optimum oral health because it has been shown to help wash away food debris, neutralize harmful acids and can even be used to provide additional care for your mouth. Saliva can aid in the prevention of cavities and can even lower your risk for dental erosion. To produce additional saliva in your mouth, try chewing sugarless gum after meals or eating foods with a high water content. Crunchy foods with high water contents are excellent ways to improve saliva production in your mouth.

To help ensure your smile is safe from the risks of dental erosion, eat foods that are known to strengthen your tooth enamel. Enamel-building minerals include calcium and phosphorus. These minerals are often found in products such as nuts, milk, cheese, and meats.

Your ideal smile starts with healthy foods to eat. For an oral examination, call Royse City Dental Care at 972-636-2417. Drs. Hutchison, Gabrielsen, Craig and our team at our dentist office in Royse City, Texas look forward to taking your smile into the future with optimum oral health care treatments and procedures.

The post Replenish Your Smile with Healthy Foods to Eat first appeared on Royse City Dental Care.
